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Many security "experts" are running around these days mumbling about rainbow tables and telling us how they can crack any Windows password in 2 seconds. "Windows security sucks!" they say. Well, I'm here to tell you that if you take 10 steps to increase password security, would-be intruders can crack all day, but they won't get your Windows logon passwords.

Some password hashes, but not Windows', add a random seed value, called a salt, to the hash to ensure that no two passwords produce the same hash. Salting strengthens any password hash and requires additional computations to crack the password, so it's unfortunate that Windows doesn't use a salt.

Microsoft subsequently created the NT hash for NT. Although not uncrackable, the NT hash is significantly more difficult to crack than the LM hash. If a password is sufficiently long and complex (more on that later), a hacker can require days or months to convert the NT hash to its plaintext original. Unfortunately, NT and later versions of Windows by default store both hash values for every password. The simple step of disabling the storage of LM hashes significantly increases your network's password security.

Authentication Protocols Win2K and later can use four authentication protocols: LAN Manager, NTLM, NTLMv2, and Kerberos. LAN Manager was the original protocol, and if LAN Manager authentication traffic is sniffed off the network, compromising the password is trivial. Microsoft released the NTLM protocol with NT, but that protocol was later found to contain flaws. Microsoft then developed NTLMv2 for Win2K. That version has withstood the test of time and has been ported back to NT and Windows 9x. Password crackers can't easily break NTLMv2 traffic.Win2K and later domain logons use the Kerberos protocol, which uses the NT hash and is fairly secure.

2. Require long, complex passwords. Require passwords of 15 or more characters with at least some basic complexity. By default, computers running Windows XP and later OSs have password complexity turned on (although it's debatable whether Microsoft's definitions of complexity are sufficiently rigorous). A password with 15 or more characters disables the creation of an LM password hash, thereby defeating most password cracking tools, including most rainbow tables. If your password is also complex, it will defeat rainbow tables, which can't handle complex NT password hashes in a reasonable period of time. (This situation could change with future improvements in password cracking techniques, however.)

5. Force moderately frequent password changes. From Group Policy or Local Security Policy, navigate to Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Password Policy and set the Maximum password age setting to no more than 90 days. Given enough time, any password guesser, cracker, or rainbow table can defeat any password. But if a password is at least 15 characters long and complex, it will take most attackers more than 90 days to crack it. Any reasonable interval can be argued; just don't make your users switch passwords too frequently, because then they'll start writing down their passwords.

10. Audit passwords regularly. Finally, try to crack your organization's passwords yourself on a regular basis using some of the password cracking tools mentioned in "Types of Password Attacks." Do it before attackers do it. You can use the results as a compliance test and assist end users who don't follow recommended password policy to change their ways.

In 1996, Warp 4 added Java and speech recognition software.[39] IBM also released server editions of Warp 3 and Warp 4 which bundled IBM's LAN Server product directly into the operating system installation. A personal version of Lotus Notes was also included, with a number of template databases for contact management, brainstorming, and so forth. The UK-distributed free demo CD-ROM of OS/2 Warp essentially contained the entire OS and was easily, even accidentally, cracked[clarification needed], meaning that even people who liked it did not have to buy it. This was seen as a backdoor tactic to increase the number of OS/2 users, in the belief that this would increase sales and demand for third-party applications, and thus strengthen OS/2's desktop numbers.[citation needed] This suggestion was bolstered by the fact that this demo version had replaced another which was not so easily cracked, but which had been released with trial versions of various applications.[citation needed] In 2000, the July edition of Australian Personal Computer magazine bundled software CD-ROMs, included a full version of Warp 4 that required no activation and was essentially a free release. Special versions of OS/2 2.11 and Warp 4 also included symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) support.

According to research IBM WMQ has a market share of about 15.7%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in IBM WMQ Administration. Mindmajix offers Advanced IBM WMQ Interview Questions 2021 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire your dream career as an IBM WMQ Administrator.

Persistent messages are usually logged. Logging messages reduces the performance of your application, so use persistent messages for essential data only. If the data in a message can be discarded if the queue manager stops or fails, use a nonpersistent message.

A Web Sphere MQ client is a component that allows an application running on a system to issue MQI calls to a queue manager running on another system. The output from the call is sent back to the client, which passes it back to the application.

A Web Sphere MQ server is a queue manager that provides queuing services to one or more clients. All the Web Sphere MQ objects, for example, queues, exist only on the queue manager machine (the Web Sphere MQ server machine), and not on the client. A Web Sphere MQ server can also support local Web Sphere MQ Applications

On Windows systems, use the Web Sphere MQ Services snap-in to display the properties of the queue manager, and check the Make queue manager in the default box. You need to stop and restart the queue manager for the change to take effect.

(f =/ for more information. To summarize, if a queue manager has authorization events (AUTHOREV) enabled, every attempt to access something which a user is not authorized to will cause an event message to be put to the SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT queue. So, for example, if a user does not have access to display queues, then one authorization event message will be put to SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT for each queue they cannot access every time the Queues view in WMQ Explorer is refreshed. This could result in a lot of messages, so you may want to disable AUTHOREV or take steps to handle these messages.

Ans: I am having a queue manager to whom 10 different applications connect. I want to make them connect over SSL svrconn channels and for them to represent different unique certificates. So all 10 application key repositories will have the same queue manager certificate but my queue manager key repository will have 10 different certificates, one from each application.My Q. is how the queue manager will know which certificate to use for a handshake when a connection request comes?A: QMGR will use their cert from Keystore which alias name is Ibmwebspheremq during a handshake.Then in your configuration QMGR compares the sent application public certificate with certificates from Keystore.Consider using standard PKI with CA rather than a self-signed cert.

QueueManageris the primary component of WebSphere MQ or WMQ. the queue manager is responsible for storing and routing messages to other Queue Manager within MQ and it also communicates with the outside world e.g. Java program or any other MQ client.

Rather simple and fact-based MQ Series interview Q. This is asked to see whether a candidate is familiar with MQ Series terminology or not. In WebSphere MQ, local queues are queue on the same queue manager while remote queue refers to queue on different QueueManager. 2ff7e9595c

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